SCOOTER'S REPORT - Amid plunging popularity, stalled healthcare legislation, and his own party reduced to bickering and backbiting, President Barack Obama needed a dynamic State of the Union address to get his presidency and agenda back on track, and back in favor with the American public.
Did the President succeed? The following is a timeline and our in-depth analysis of President Obama's State of the Union Speech Wednesday night:
8:35 p.m. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi calls the House to order. Barry Sullivan, Majority Floor Services Chief, announces the Senate and Vice President Joe Biden. The Speaker calls the Joint Session to order.
8:57 p.m. First Lady Michelle Obama is escorted into the Executive Gallery. Several people in the audience are startled, and one woman, I think Rep. Maxine Waters, flees in apparent terror, screaming something about "Bigfoot."
9:05 p.m. After being introduced by the House Sergeant at Arms, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi then introduces the President to the Senators and Representatives.
9:06 p.m. President Obama begins his speech.
9:07 p.m. At this point I couldn't listen anymore, and turned off the sound. The President was dressed nicely, wearing a dark suit and red striped tie. Behind him, Speaker Pelosi looked extremely freakish, with wild bug-eyes and exaggerated body and facial movements indicating possible methamphetamine abuse. Vice President Biden appeared to be confused and unsure of his environment - always smiling, frowning, and clapping at inappropriate times. When he stood, it appeared his fly was open.
9:50 p.m. Apparently the President has finished, as he is no longer looking at his teleprompters. All of the Democrats are standing and clapping like crazy except Vice President Biden, who appears to be texting on his cellphone. Speaker Pelosi seems to be overcome with euphoria, and has removed her orthopedic underwear and thrown them at the President's feet, causing him to jump to the side. The Republicans are mostly sitting, and not a few appear to be either asleep or passed out. None of them are smiling, and I see several flip the bird in the President's direction as they are exiting.
9:58 p.m. I finished my margarita and went to bed.
Summary: I thought everyone looked pretty good, outside of Speaker Pelosi and maybe the First Lady.