WASHINGTON (SR) - President Obama held a White House news briefing Thursday to address the growing wave of criticism concerning his poor handling of the BP oil spill.
In the briefing, the President repeatedly insisted he had been personally involved in heading efforts to contain the spill, "from day one."
"Since the moment I was told about the spill, no matter where I was or what I was doing, I've been thinking about ways to stop it," the President told reporters. "Then while playing golf the other day it suddenly came to me - "just plug the damn hole," and so far my strategy appears to be working. Too bad I didn't think of it four weeks ago, though."
President Obama sought to assure Gulf residents of the government's ability to handle the crisis, saying, "If we can successfully run Amtrak and the U.S. Postal Service, we sure as heck can fix a little spill."
My comments: I don 't know about you, but I feel better. Margaritas anyone?