WASHINGTON (SR) - The FBI is still seeking a 12th individual suspected of being a Russian undercover operative after arresting 11 others Monday in the US and abroad.
According to authorities, the individual at large is "extremely undercover' and is likely a man posing as a woman, or vice-versa. "The only photo we have appears to show a man in a dress, but it's not clear - it may be a woman trying to look like a man trying to look like a woman," a spokesperson for the FBI said.
Reportedly, the Russian operatives were to blend in with American society and penetrate what one coded message called “policy making circles.”
Authorities have released the grainy photo (below) with the hope someone will recognize the individual.
My comments: Holy Pope-on-a-rope, that looks like my Aunt Lester!
Please call the FBI if you have seen this man/woman