SCOOTER'S REPORT - Hard news. Hard commentary. All hard, all the time.
283,000 Jobs Lost During "Recovery Summer"
Oh, that's just great. So much for looking forward to "Faltering Fall" and "Terminal Winter"....
120 Days Until the Largest Tax Hike in History
THIS should kick-start the economy and finally create jobs! I don't know why these retarded bozos didn't cut taxes earli...what? Hike? Oh. Never mind.
600,000 Muslims Crowd Mecca Mosque
Damn, I missed the big prayer-fest at Mecca for Ramadamadoo again!
Maybe next year I can experience the spiritual nirvana of sprawling in the dirt with my face 3" from Abdul's sweaty ass crack while praying to a moon god in front of a little black rock...
On second thought, maybe I'll stay home and drink a margarita.
Time: Why Obama is "Mr. Unpopular"
Wow, I can only imagine the kind of investigative reporting that went into this earth-shattering expose!
I don't know what's more noteworthy - the fact this fetid liberal fish-wrap would admit their cherished icon is unpopular (BTW, your fat cousin is unpopular, Barry is charting closer to "despised with an intensity usually reserved for puppy torturers"), or the fact they assumed the average American is too stupid to have already figured this out.
Unemployment Rate Increases to 9.6%
Oval Office: "It did WHAT? Crap! OK, how about this - after vacation let's try the largest tax increase in history, maybe that'll help..."
Rev. Jesse Jackson's Escalade Stolen, Stripped
Finally, a feel good story to end the week on!
Reportedly, this Holy Man of God's new luxury ride was found stripped of its bling bling wheels. The bad news is it's likely Brother Jesse will want to race-bait/shakedown another innocent company to buy a replacement set.
Hopefully next time the bad guys will strip the Reverend, and leave the car.