SCOOTER'S REPORT - The highest quality news, hand-picked and delivered fresh to your home and office:
It just so happens that's the same number of Americans who believe Barry Obama is doing a good job. Coincidence? I think not.
First Lady To Place Salad Bars At 5000 Schools
I guess after reading the first article, this shouldn't be too much of a shock. What I do find shocking is that the head Food Nazi behind this (and other recent retarded "healthy" fatwas) is a woman usually photographed eating a burger and fries, and wields a butt so big it has its own climate.
Hey Michelle, if your diet and exercise program's going to make our children look like you, we'll stick with the chicken nuggets and Cokes.
Couple Puts Abortion to Online Vote
OK, again we have confirmation that the first article is obviously true.
While I guess these mouth-breathers have the right to murder their unborn child on the whim of a bunch of strangers, those of us who are sane should have the right to take protective custody of this innocent child if these Godless moronic slimeballs have him or her ('it' if you're a liberal).
Canadian Reader Wins Major U.S. Award
Well that figures! I suppose it could have been worse - at least it wasn't an illegal alien living in Phoenix...