Janarury 1/ 2oo6
New yok city
Im in the "Big Appel'' to ring in the new year by protestign aganst the war and what beter place to doit than Times sqare! Myself and some fellow protsters arrived and set up our posters and stuff ouitside a bar that our frind Jim owns. Wow, Ive never seen so many peolpe and the response we got was awesome! Jim brought us some drin ks and even some sandwishs to snack on and we really enjoyd ourslves/,.
Asthe nite went on we met alot of rally nice peple who hate Bush as much as we do and at one point we had probaly over a hundred peple chanting anti Bush and anti war slogens - it was great!! Ive never felt so much love excetp when this police oficer came a round. He was all hihg and mighty, rideing on a horse which seemed crule to the poor aminal. One of my PETA frends decxided to liberate the horse and unfortanateluy got brutalized by the cop severly,then arrested. There wasnt anything the res of us could do so we jsut sang antipolice songs really loud.
Jim (whos really cute)broght us some mor tasty drinks and was really flrting with me. He said he knew the guy who was "dropping ball" and askd me if I wanted to participat myself and I said, sure, in fact I had already dropped some acid and was up fro somethng new! after some tequila shooters he tooke me to this buildng and we rdoe the elvater to the top floor, smooching all the way!.He said I was in for a surprise and told me to clos my eyes and he led me outside. This ball must be wonderfl stuff because I hear all these voices conting down like a rocket taking off so I did too and at Zero opened my mouth for the hit of ball, but from there everthing w ent completly wrong/
Even with my eyes closde I was almost blinded! I was envelloped in light and this trmendous sound that was deafening! I ripped the blindfold off only to see a giga ntic alien mothership landing RIGHT ON TOP Of ME!!!!! OH MY SWEET GOFD!!! I screamemed and screemed and scremed more as this yoog craft covered with pullsating lights came down to beam me up for hidious experments and god knows what!! I realized at this point that Jim must also be an alein and looking around could see that everbody had on spacsuits, or at least the pointed alien headgears! Also radioacteve fallout was flying all over the place and many aliens were now communicating with mouthhorns that pretty much scared the crap out of me. I ranfor the stairs as Jim tried to grab me and hold me for the spaceship but I gave hima knee to watever aliens have in place of testitcalse and ran like hell.
Its now 3 oclock and Im hiding in the basment of the building. Thankfully I found a shovl and have had to use it on sevral aleins who tryed to grab me. I don know how many people survived the attack but am sure thousadns were killed because of the sirens i hear. Im so scared.
Is this the end?