April 21, 2006
Los Angelas, California
Hi my name is Scooter. I am a frend of Peace and pretty much coordnate all our protests and I also do all our signs and artwork. (I have a art degree) Peace went to Hawai to visit her sister so she told me to write the report this week. About the only interesting thing I did was help my good frend Pepe so I will write about that. Please keep in mind I am a artist not a writer!
Pepe called Monday and asked me if I wanted to help him do a protest for immagration rights. I said sure where there is injustice there is Scooter! He said he needed my car so we could pick up some of his protester frends since his truck was in the shop and I said ok. The only thing was his frends needed a ride from there home in the desert in Imperial Valley but Pepe said he would pay for my gas and give me enouph herb to last for over a month so of course I said YES.
We had a good drive until we got to the desert. My Taurus is not a jeep but we had to drive a couple miles thru the middle of nowhere late at nite looking for a flashlite signal from his frends. I cant beleve people actully live out there. There is nothing at all but cactis, dirt, cyoties cyouties coyoties desert wolfs, snakes, sand and about a million rocks. Pepe thoght it was funny to tell scary stories along the way and to tell you the truth I got pretty scared for a while especially when we heard scraping noises and Pepe said it was a bloody hook hanging on the door handle. I might have accidently wet myself a little and it reminded me that sometimes Pepe sucks and Id like to kill him.
Finally around 12:00 midnite we found his frends. There were like 12 of them and the only way we could fit them in the car was to stack them in the trunk and cram them in the back seat and everywhere! I felt like a sardene and everything smelled like sweat. I thoght it was strange that Pepe couldnt remember any of his frends names even tho they were his frends so I dont know about that. We drove to San Diego and went to Pepes cousins house where we were all going to get ready for the protest but by then Pepe said he was too tired and I have to admit I was to so everyone went to bed and I just went home.
Im sorry we didnt protest and was really really sorry I had to haul so many of Pepes stinky frends around all nite, but he did pay for my gas plus later he gave me an extremly large and fresh wrapped package of herb so Im not complaning. I know this report wasnt that interesting but Im no Peace Moonbeam so you can all bite me.
Scooter peace out.