June 29, 2006
Washington DC
Well, finally we Democrats have found a strong voice to help lead us to victory surrender retreat an honorable exit from the hopeless quagmire that is Iraq. That voice is of course John Murtha, esteemed Democrat Representative from the great State of Pennsylvania. His recent remarks that we are losing this war and America is a bigger threat to the world than North Korea or Iran pretty much sums it up for most liberals and made the conservatives go absolutely-frothing-at-the-mouth bonkers. Good.
What makes Congressman Murtha so effective against the Right is his military service, which puts him pretty much above criticism from anyone, especially war-loving conservatives. This "Teflon" factor is the same sort of protective barrier that has served Our Perpetual Mother Of Everlasting Peace Sheehan (OPMOEPS), as well as the 9-11 widows that Ann Coulter is trying to kill. It just drives the neo-cons crazy to have to preface every remark about Murtha with some comment about his "brave service to our country," which makes him sound like a national hero, even when they're trying to cut him down. Hehehe. The fact Murtha was once a soldier also means he understands more about war than just about anybody, so no matter how stupid insane bizarre strong his statements, there's not a non-military Republican that can diss him. It's like he's wearing iron underwear! Cool.
I recently had the pleasure of seeing Representative Murtha at a Washington DC restaurant, and let me tell you, he looks plenty distinguished - not at all like the Michael Moores, Al Frankens, or other pathetic losers individuals that have failed us miserably been maybe a little less-than-effective for our cause. Outside of the fact he was having a heated argument with his ham sandwich and drooling like a golden retriever, he struck me as just the kind of man who, if properly medicated, could lead us out of this stupid war.
I say, "Give 'em hell, you Murtha!"