January 11, 2007
Berkeley, California
Even as an activist child of the 60s, I've never seen our country so divided over a war. Even with the other countless outside dangers facing our country, we are being held captive by a conflict that most of us didn't ask for, and are seemingly now helpless to stop. The worst part of this whole thing is that even after all this fighting, the end is still nowhere in sight. I personally worry that there will be no end, just bleak never-ending headlines every morning and ever-increasing numbers of Americans dividing into ever-distancing camps of opinion. Is there any hope for an end to this war between Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump?
Similar to Bush's merciless invasion of Iraq just because of years of UN resolutions violations, mass rapes, gassings, torture, etc., Trump stormed Rosie's ample shores over her insignificant remark impugning his lack of morality. Trump's response characterizing Rosie as a loser and hideously ugly, fat foul-mouthed dyke, although true, was not only terribly insensitive, but also an affront to fat ugly dykes everywhere.
It's not hard to see who's good and who's bad in this conflict:
- Rosie O'Donnell - hard-working, slender and beauty-challenged oppressed liberal butch lesbian mother just trying to make it in the world.
- Donald Trump - Disgustingly wealthy capitalist who rides around in a big polluting limo with his trophy wife bedecked in fur. Obviously attained his riches on the backs of the poor and disadvantaged. Has freakish gold hair featuring waves that have no apparent beginning or end.
With Scooter's leaving, I've reached out to Sunshine in an effort to put our past differences behind us, and fortunately she has agreed to come back as my assistant. As it turns out, she is a close personal friend of Rosie, and sent her a letter of support and a gigantic cheese cake from us to say, "We women and women-like beings need to stand up to the Donald Trumps of this world, and not go hungry while doing so."
I don't know how this battle is going to end, but I'm hoping that now the Democrats are back in power, maybe Nancy Pelosi can enact some powerful legislation to tax rich lesbian-hating dorks like Trump out of existence. We'll see who has the power then.